New Year…Same Ol’ ish

Its a new year and not many things have changed. I’m still 18, I go to high school and I still ride around on my skateboard with the worlds shittiest grip tape. Life has been well to me and I am thankful for that. Where am I going with this conversation? Nowhere.

To take things to a whole other level of nothing, let me explain to you why I am writing this post

1. This is a new blog and needs some words.

2. I should be studying right now but I got tired and said fuck it.

3. I’m amazed at how much easy it is for me to start writing something and actually keep coming up with more words and ideas for me to piece it together like a puzzle.

4. Number 3 was the last one.

Now that I got that out of the way I really want to press the publish button so I can see what this looks like..then try to sync some crap and get this thing going.